Friday, 5 December 2008

Invitation to Transition Town Kingston film show, Friday 9 Jan

Transition Town Kingston will be showing the film "Escape from Suburbia" at C-Scaipe, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road (go in the main door and ask for directions), at 7.00pm on Friday 9th January. The film - "a sobering yet ultimately positive exploration of what the second half of the Oil Age has in store for us" - will be followed by discussion and nibbles - everyone is welcome. Free.

Transition Town Kingston aims to mobilise and facilitate community action in order to respond effectively and positively to climate change and peak oil.

1 comment:

Marilyn Mason said...

More Transition Town Kingston free public events from February to March at

TTK aims to mobilise and facilitate community action to respond effectively and positively to climate change and peak oil. Everyone interested is welcome at meetings.